My path so far:

Agile Team Coach

Part-time at Untis to work with agile teams on software delivery. The product: your full package for school organization.

Youth Empowerment Participation Activist

Fulltime at YEP – Stimme der Jugend to develop youth empowerment projects which impact their future for real

Management Consultant

Fulltime at borisgloger to consult and train teams and organisations living agility in Automotive and Education

Officer for Digital Transformation

Fulltime at University of Vienna to support the rectorate in the field of Digital Transformation and associated strategic decisions in Higher Education Management

Team Lead Software Development

Fulltime in Management and Leadership for multiple Software Development Teams at TEAM23


Team Lead to develop a Strategy Development Framework at a German Scout Organization

Chairperson and board member for an umbrella organisation of urban youth organizations: Stadtjugendring

Strategist for Youth Empowerment in Scouting and Guiding at European Region Level

Questions or want to contact me?
You are welcome: